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As part of the CAA’s economic regulation of the Group's Regulated Airports, Service Quality Rebate schemes operate at Heathrow. These schemes are intended to improve service standards. The scheme was updated from 1 April 2008 to include a broader range of service standards, with higher standards and more significant rebates payable to airlines in the event standards are not met.
The schemes cover service quality performance, specifically the availability of the following equipment:
It also includes the following areas of the airports:
The maximum amount of rebate currently payable is 7.0% of aeronautical income. The scheme at Heathrow includes a bonus element to encourage high performance. The maximum level of bonuses is 2.24% of aeronautical income.
More information on the SQR scheme at Heathrow
Capital investment plan documents are issued annually as part of the airports' normal business cycle and reflect the constructive engagement with airline customers in place at the airports.
They set out details of the key investment projects at each airport and report on progress on the capital investment plans.
Development of regulatory asset base (33KB PDF)
Heathrow Airport Group Tax Strategy 2024 (612KB PDF)
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