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Receiving complaints

We will respond to all complaints within five working days (as long as we have all the contact details we need). If we need to do more investigation, we will let you know within the five days and tell you when you will get a complete answer.

Providing information

We aim to provide a full and comprehensive information service but we do have to consider the resources we have available, to ensure all complainants are treated equitably.

Type of information provided

We supply information which explains the relevant procedures and includes maps for a complainant’s postcode area. We will also do our best to provide details of particular flights.

Use of complaint data

Heathrow is committed to protecting your personal information and we are legally obliged to use your information in line with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal data. For details please see our privacy notice.

Complaints are reported on our website here and to the Council for the Independent Scrutiny of Heathrow Airport (CISHA).

We monitor complaints for trends to inform our noise management priorities but flight paths are not changed purely on the basis of the number of complaints received from a particular area.

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For more information read our complaints policy.